Meet Jeanette

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Jeanette lived with her father on the streets in Kayonza. Her father is an alcoholic, earning money from repairing shoes when capable. Jeanette was often neglected by her father because of his alcohol addiction.

Jeanette first arrived at SACCA when she was five years old. She had told friends that she was being mistreated by men when she was staying on the streets at night. Shortly after this the village leader and police authorities brought Jeanette to SACCA to protect her from any mistreatment.

Jeanette quickly adjusted to life at SACCA and made many new friends. She began to attend nursery school and learn English and Mathematics. Since then, she has not stopped smiling and sharing her love. She has a beautiful smile and makes everyone happy who she interacts with. She also loves to dance to every song that comes onto the radio. At only six years old she may be one of the best dancers in centre.

In the future, she hopes to finish primary and secondary school so that she can attend University to become a doctor. She says that she would like to become a doctor so that she can help children who are sick.

Jeanette quickly adjusted to life at SACCA and made many new friends. She began to attend nursery school and learn English and Mathematics. Since then, she has not stopped smiling and sharing her love.
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With your help

we can continue to support children like Jeanette.


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