Primary School Children's Meals -A Christmas Appeal

Primary school children's meals- Christmas Appeal
The Rwandan Government has introduced school meals, but as with many of their progressive policies they look to parents to provide some contribution. This is beyond the means of very poor families, yet their children are the very ones who would most benefit through both getting a good meal each school day, reinforcing the motivation for going to school and improving their capacity for learning through improved nutrition. NGOs like SACCA are approached by schools to assist their pupils from poorer families to help provide them with school lunches.

  • We have decided to launch a new appeal on this Christmas, and are asking for your support. A donation of £20 will provide a child with a whole term of school lunches and £60 will provide a child with school lunches for the entire year. Click here to donate.You can make a one off or regular donation ensuring that the most vulnerable children are receiving a school meal every day of school.

  • Linked to the campaign we offer "Giving the Gift of School Lunches" - an impactful gift card you can purchase to provide a child a term of school lunches. You will be able to send your friends and family members this beautiful gift card on their behalf.

    Click Here to view the Gift Card.

This will significantly help the most vulnerable families support their children in education and ensure they have a warm meal each school day. This gift helps to fill the tummies of the most vulnerable children in Rwanda. Click here to read a story of one of our most vulnerable children and how school lunches can really help.


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